September 08, 2006

Bus Fare

I ran into James yesterday evening.

James (waving from across the intersection): Hey, hey, I gotta talk to you!
Me (under my breath): Fuck, shit, goddammit ...
James: (crossing the street): Hey, hey, tell them puppies not to bite me! I gotta talk to you!
Me: Hey, James. Dude, how's it goin'?
James: I got me a place ... up on 185th.
Me: Wow!! Cool! Congratulations.
James: So, I need some furniture. All I got is a reclining chair.
Me: I can't help you, but if I hear of anything, I'll let you know.
James: Well, can you help me out a little?
Me: What? You just got a place, man.
James: I need to get back there ... c'mon ... three dollars for the bus.
Me: Can't help you, man.
James: I know you gave me that twenny the other day ... just two dollars and I won't bother you no more.
Me (thinking): 20? I never gave him a 20.
Me (to James): James, when I gave you the 20, you said you'd make it last and that you wouldn't be asking me no more ...
James: Yeah, I know; but that was before I got my place, man. You know how gettin' a place costs money. Just bus fare ... bus fare.
Me: I can't help you today. I got my own place ... you know how it is with money when you get your own place.
James: Bus fare, maybe a dollar.
Me: James, see those people there comin' out of that place. They're from outtatown ... go ask them. They oughta be able to come up with three dollars between 'em all.
James: Yeah, good idea ... We still friends, right?
Me: Yeah. Good luck with your place, man. I'll check around for the furniture.
James: Thanks. (Turning to the small cadre of people waiting for the valet to bring their car) Excuse me, folks ... where you'll hail from?

Posted by Bill at September 8, 2006 09:07 PM

Hey! What a coincidence - I just got me a new place, too and could use a little help. Just a dinette set. And maybe a tv. Curtains would make the place look a little more cozy too. Whaddaya say? Got an extra dinette set you can spare?

Posted by: Elle at September 9, 2006 08:50 AM

Sad, sad James! I commend you for not giving him "bus fare". I suspect he would have "missed the bus" and bought a beer. Maybe I shouldn't think that way, but...

Posted by: Trace at September 10, 2006 12:59 AM

At least he asks for a purpose and names a price.

Posted by: Anji at September 10, 2006 02:08 AM

Anji is right. He did name his purpose and price.

Posted by: Trace at September 10, 2006 07:20 PM

Dude, I got a place. Been thinkin' about double pane insulated windows ...
But seriously, life just hands some people, like James, the shitty end of the stick.

Posted by: Kyle at September 12, 2006 01:31 AM