November 14, 2006


you know how i justify my starbucks "addiction" by their fair wages and availability of health insurance for their employees? well...

karma has kicked in -- jackson was just hired yesterday by a starbucks in florida! yay for jax! yay for starbucks! jackson LOVES interacting with people; and he, too, is crazy for starbucks coffee. he's been trying to get a job with the buck for 5 years. it's a perfect fit.

Posted by Stacey at November 14, 2006 07:45 AM

OMG, how perfect is that???

And Stacey up and moves to Florida to be near her free supply. ;)

Posted by: Keri at November 14, 2006 04:13 PM

Awake here at 1:30am. So glad to hear Jax has a job with the cool Starbucks. He'll have a great time of it.

Posted by: Trace at November 15, 2006 01:33 AM

All that coffee you drank had a purpose. congratulations to Jax!

Posted by: Anji at November 15, 2006 02:10 AM