November 14, 2006

On Torture

The Vice President recently said in an interview vis-a-vis torture that "dunking" is a "no-brainer." There has been much written about "water-boarding," but not much really written about water-boarding. There are various definitions of the procedure, from dunking someone under water, as Dick the Barbarian would have everyone believe, to tying the victim to a board, wrapping plastic wrap around the victim's head, and pouring water on him or her, as those who want the ASPCA to believe that the procedure is relatively tame and non-life-threatening.

From a source I consider to be reliable, water-boarding starts the same as the relatively tame version. The victim is bound very securely to a board and then water is pumped into the victim's mouth, with nasal passages oftentimes blocked to prevent the expiration of water through the nose, and mouth sealed around the hose, to prevent expiration of water through the mouth, so that first the stomach fills and becomes distended. Eventually, the esophagus fills and water spills into the trachea and windpipe and into the lungs.

Those administering this form of torture interrogation must be well-trained so that the victim doesn't drown, lose consciousness, or suffer brain damage.

Hey, it's one of the "tools" in the War on Terror that is now "legal."

Posted by Bill at November 14, 2006 01:47 PM

I am literally sick to my stomach after reading this, for several reasons.

I wish I were young and innocent again.

Posted by: moonandsun03 at November 15, 2006 01:19 PM

Yes, I knew some of this; and, it fucking makes me ill.

Posted by: Trace at November 15, 2006 02:33 PM

esli Boga nyet--znachit, vsio pozvoleno ... If there is no God, everything is permitted ... Bush and his kind are not Christians. They're hypocrites.

Posted by: Kyle at November 17, 2006 02:39 AM