January 11, 2007

More Troops, More Dead

The President of these United States of America has already started sending more living targets over to Iraq. There is no way to stop his troop build-up. The troops will be in Iraq, then Bush will ask for the money to pay them and buy them stuff; and at that point, who is going to stand up and tell him, "No more."

Bush the Lesser had the unmitigated gall to tell the American people, many of whom still believe that Iraq and Osama bin Laden were in cahoots, "On September the 11th, 2001, we saw what a refuge for extremists on the other side of the world could bring to the streets of our own cities. For the safety of our people, America must succeed in Iraq."

WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? Is there any more proof required that George W. Bush is, optimistically, a liar and, realistically, delusional?

Bush the Lesser also wants a billion dollars or so to re-build Iraq, along with the blood of more brave American soldiers. Get it from Halliburton, which cannot justify almost $1.5 BILLION the U.S. government paid during the Iraq occupation.

Let's see if the Congress has the guts to stand up to George the Lesser and cut the funding for his mission in the Mid-East (because there is no doubt that, according to the "domino theory," he will move into Iran and Syria), just as Congress cut funding for the tragic bloodbath in Vietnam when the original delusional president, Richard Nixon, was running the show.

Posted by Bill at January 11, 2007 03:14 PM

Dear God, let us hope funding this mess will be cut!!

Posted by: Trace at January 11, 2007 11:30 PM

"America must succeed in Iraq" I know I'm only a foreigner, but I thought the war had already been 'won' a while back.

Posted by: Anji at January 12, 2007 08:33 AM

My current read - Worse than Watergate. Fascinating (and terrifying) stuff.

Posted by: Keri at January 12, 2007 06:53 PM