January 12, 2007

Gout Pots and Pet Pee Pee

This morning, I headed out west to court and drove up the ramp to the highway behind this bus.
You figure it out.

On my way back, I stopped to get dried figs at the grocery store. The guy ahead of me in the check-out line was having a problem with the concept that the bank card reader was designed to read the magnetic strip on the back of his card. He could not figure out how to slip it through the groove. Finally, the cashier helped him out, but his difficulty gave me a chance to look at the cash register screen to check out some of the stuff he bought.

My attention was immediately drawn to the $2.99 he paid for each "GOUT POT."

What's a "Gout Pot?"

I entered it into the little Google box with quotation marks around it and came up with a reference in comments about Nakhla jasmine tobacco.

Then I came up with a French website, which may be closer to a solution because the guy was buying the "Gout Pot" in a grocery store ... food ... French cuisine ... hmmm.

But then there's another French website. I am not fluent in French, but I don't think this site has anything to do with food. It could be the "Gout Pot" is not a food item.

Any ideas?

Posted by Bill at January 12, 2007 11:07 PM

and what the hell is "PetPeePee?"

Posted by: mark at January 13, 2007 12:55 AM

The first French site had an ad for crème dessert. The second site, believe it or not, were playing word association and got onto food. Goût means taste as in 'cela a un goût de moisi' - 'it tastes mouldy' (don't ask me, I'm quoting from the dictionary)
Perhaps it's some kind of Frenchfied dessert?
Pet Pee Pee = Fart piss.

Posted by: Anji at January 14, 2007 09:34 AM