June 01, 2007

On Gas Stations

I stopped to get gas this evening. There was a little sign that was attached by some plastic contraption to the gas hose. The sign announced:


A little better -- than what?

  • This can't be about bathrooms.
  • This can't be about food.
  • This can't be about a guy coming out to pump the gas and clean the windows and check the oil and fill the windshield washer reservoir.

    Gas stations. A little better.

    I'll leave it at that.

    Posted by Bill at June 1, 2007 11:58 PM
  • Comments

    a little better than they used to be. think about it. gas USED to be like $0.25/gallon. how is $3.00/gallon better than a quarter? wouldn't YOU rather have $2.25 more right now? isn't more money better?

    also, they used to give you full service at no charge. now you're hard-pressed to even find a station that offers full service. how is that better? think about all the sickos in the world. now they're not exposing their employees to those sickos, meaning they're safer than they used to be. isn't safer, better?

    and finally, gas stations typically have convenience stores built-in. now you don't have to drive right next door to the 7-11 to buy your slim jims, you can pay for your gas and snacks all at one time. saving you gas and time. isn't saving time and money better than NOT?

    i rest my case.

    Posted by: tj at June 3, 2007 10:43 AM

    Perhaps they haven't felt very well.

    Posted by: Anji at June 3, 2007 11:58 AM

    Probably supposed to be ironical.

    Heh. Made myself laugh with that one... ;-)

    Posted by: lucy at June 8, 2007 12:00 AM