June 16, 2007


i don't have any father, biological or otherwise, that i care to contact and wish a happy father's day. but i celebrate father's day, too. they say you can't choose your family; but in a way, you can. you can choose your mate. you can choose the father / mother of your children. today i celebrate my choice. i chose the father of my children well.

this is a picture of bill finishing up the crib he made for our babies to sleep in. this was a good thing. the other side of the coin -- you have to take the good with the, well, unusual -- is that the finish wasn't dry when i brought our first home from the hospital. heh.


as you faithful readers know, bill's kind of, well, different. he's taught our boys many things. some of them not so good. most of all, he's taught them how to be good men. not in the traditional sense. in the most important sense. here are some of the lessons he's taught our boys.

you CAN reach cleve by going the OTHER way around the lake -- not the easy should-have-been-a-4-hour-drive-home-from-toronto way, but in the 12-hour-hey-we're-bound-to-reach-cleveland way.

there is only one way to eat ice cream properly. and that's straight from the container

fire works and rocket lego cars are science, dude

sometimes not telling mom is the best thing for her

men can kiss their dads, grandfathers, and even brothers in public

how to say "I love you" and mean it

how to stand by those you love when things get rough

the who, clapton, hendrix, robert johnson, etc., etc.

how to question authority

when NOT to question authority

how to tie a windsor knot

how to iron a shirt

how to write a proper paragraph

how to pound a nail

how to make a bed with hospital corners

how not to sweat the small stuff -- she does it enough for all of us

real men DO AND CAN cry

how to recognize the big dipper and venus

how to see a science lesson everywhere

when it's safe to wear your boxers outside

how to jump a car, change a tire, drive a stick shift

how to throw down the occasional or frequent bird

when not to throw down the bird

speed limits are suggestions

sometimes police require that you follow their suggestions

Posted by Stacey at June 16, 2007 11:33 PM

He's done a lot of good there; I'll have to see what list I come up with for Rob.

Posted by: Anji at June 17, 2007 12:41 PM

What a nice tribute and it's true the spouse we choose to be the father/mother is very important.

Posted by: RC of strangeculture at June 17, 2007 02:55 PM

What an awesome post! Of course we all know that everything those boys learned about vomiting in parking lots came from dear ol' mom!


You guys rock! ALL OF YOU!

Posted by: KathyHowe at June 18, 2007 10:02 PM

It sounds as if you picked a good husband and father.

And I think the lessons he teaches sound great.

Posted by: cassie-b at June 19, 2007 09:09 AM