June 21, 2007


i spent a large portion of my day yesterday with my sister's grand daughter, the delightful natalie. natalie is entering 8th grade in the fall -- i had a ball. she came over to spend the day helping me with an organizing project. one of the projects was what i used to call my "memory box." after 34 years, this has become a lot of stuff. photographs, greeting cards, notes, letters, newspaper clippings, etc., etc.

when the kids were little (i remember clearly that the boys were 8 and 4 when this was written), i would have the boys write a letter of apology to the other (jax could apologize verbally) at times when their behavior toward each other warranted the "punishment". i remember that matty had said something about jax wetting the bed the previous night in response to a insult thrown down by the jackal. all hell erupted, and letters were demanded by mom. here's matt's letter to jax:

Dear Jackson,

I am really sorry for embarrasing you in front of Nana and Papa. It's just that you embarrased me (in my mind or not) also, so I felt you should suffer equilly. I deeply regret reveiling this habit to them, and I apoligize. To the contrary, though, I thought it was totally out of line for you to call me a bastard. In lue of this, though, I am truly Sorry.

your brother

Posted by Stacey at June 21, 2007 03:34 PM


"Bastard" - I am assuming 4 year-old Jax muttered this term of endearment, right?

I am dying here, laughing.

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at June 22, 2007 11:17 AM

Oh my gosh, that makes me laugh so hard!!!

I totally see Bill in that letter.

In a good way.

Posted by: moonandsun03 at June 22, 2007 12:36 PM

sort of like a back-handed compliment ... is that a back-handed apology? hehe.

Posted by: tj at June 22, 2007 01:26 PM

What a great idea to have them write a letter. I loved the miss-spelling stage. Matt's turn of phrase was very grown up for an eight year old; Did he speak like that too?

Posted by: Anji at June 26, 2007 02:50 AM