June 24, 2007

Education of Little Billy

While I was walking the dogs yesterday afternoon, a guy pulled up to the curb in some kind of expensive, shiny black car with a black leather interior. He got out and went into the store in the next building. The $103,000 car -- he left it running, windows open, sunroof retracted. You would think that a $103,000 car would have an automatic transmission. Not so. I didn't drive it. I could see that it was a manual shift. I kept walking the dogs. When I returned with the dogs 20 minutes or so later, the driverless, expensive, shiny black, $103,000 car was still rumbling there at the curb, waiting for someone to unleash the power under the hood.

When I took the dogs out like way early yesterday morning, just after dawn, I saw that the monkey door mat -- it looked like this --
monkey door mat.jpg
was gone from in front of our door. Some asshole took it between 12:30 a.m. and 5:45 a.m.

I need to get another door mat, preferably, a $103,000 door mat, which nobody will even try to steal.

Posted by Bill at June 24, 2007 09:24 AM

Did you get the license number of the $103,000 car? I bet he took it.

Posted by: Joel at June 25, 2007 02:58 AM

I bet it wasn't a hybrid.

Posted by: lucy at July 1, 2007 12:52 AM

I bet the car was stolen; isn't it europeanley chic to have a manual gearbox?

Posted by: Anji at July 4, 2007 09:34 AM