July 31, 2007


bill writes over there of the visit on last thursday. on friday night, i fell again. spent the entire weekend TOTALLY in bed, drugged up (yet in even greater pain), pissed off (yet feeling terrifically sorry for myself. take it from me -- pissed off feels better). finally got in to see doc today (my fault -- not the doc's). more xrays -- all up and down the arm. sprained wrist and broke the same shoulder bone much worse. i said NO to surgery again cuz my left side doesn't work right anyway, and the skills they'd be hoping to maintain are not possible for me anyway.

pfffft. scooter came friday. bill will break it in for me. i'm hoping by labor fricking day i'll be on it. double pfffft.


Posted by Stacey at July 31, 2007 07:42 PM

holy crickey on a cracker. THAT'S why you were feeling sorry for yourself while I ws in th emidst of my blogathon. I'm so sorry!!! Rats. I'd be pissed too, having Bill break in the scooter. :oP NO FAIR.

CONGRATULATIONS Candidate MATT! This is big news!

Posted by: Keri at August 1, 2007 12:15 AM

I am so sorry. I will spend my day feeling sorry for you, rather than myself. Then I'll be pissed for you. I doubt it will help, but falling twice really, really sucks.

Wonderful news about Matt!!!!! After I'm feeling sorry, then pissed, for you, I'll feel proud!!!

Posted by: moonandsun03 at August 1, 2007 11:06 AM

He passed his qualifying exam! WOW!!! Go Matt!

Broke it worse? Define worse. More cracks, deeper crack, split all up to hell....what?? OUCH. Get some rest- not like you'll be able to do anything else, anyways. :-(

Posted by: lucy at August 1, 2007 10:55 PM

Go Matty!!!

Stacey, don't be angry at yourself... doesn't do anyone a damn bit of good!

Take care of you!

Posted by: -d at August 2, 2007 09:09 AM

Sorry to hear of all of your troubles. You will get on that scooter one day!

Congratulations to Matt

Posted by: Anji at August 2, 2007 10:02 AM