August 02, 2007

Oh, Rupert Murdoch -- Why Not WWN?

While I was walking the dogs the other night, I mourned the death of one of my favorite publications, the Weekly World News. Reflecting upon the demise of the print copy that could be found at supermarket and Marc’s Discount Store check-out counters, I admit that I contributed to the downfall of one of the last bastions of journalistic integrity. I never bought a copy. I didn’t even know what the price of the black-and-white tabloid.

Even after my grandmother, who zealously protected the free press by buying each new issue as it hit the newsstand, died, I failed to honor her memory and carry on the tradition of buying WWN and the National Enquirer that she had started so many years ago. My Weekly World News reading about the Iraqi sub in Lake Michigan, the monster eel in Lake Erie, among many other whacky-but-true stories, was restricted to the check-out line of the discount store – and only to the front page. I would not be caught dead with the rag actually in my hand.

I perused the articles that were made available on-line. Very late at night. Secretively. For the time being, the Weekly World News will continue to offer its unique perspective on the news of the day on its website. All is not lost.

Posted by Bill at August 2, 2007 10:02 AM

Shame on you....

Posted by: Joel at August 4, 2007 01:33 AM

If the news that WWN is going to stop printing was printed in WWN, I wouldn't believe it.

Posted by: Kyle at August 4, 2007 02:42 AM