August 24, 2007

Note to the Big Guy

Dude --

What the fuck were you saying about fuckin' Vietnam, man? I mean, where the fuck were you back then? Oh yeah, fucking AWOL from the dad-given National Guard? It was the Air National Guard -- because you were a fucking stupid airhead. Still are, for that matter. And weren't you doin' lines of coke back then heavy-duty instead of being on-duty. Yeah, and drinking. Fuckin-Ay, man. Real party boy. And a fucking cheerleader, too.

Your dad, dude, is pretty quiet nowadays. Not real proud, is he?

You really fucked up, dude. Get your head outta your ass -- or Cheney's ass -- or where ever the fuck it is. Check out the real world.

Posted by Bill at August 24, 2007 01:23 PM

Wow. I can see the smoke rising off Cincinatti all the way over here.

Posted by: Joel at August 24, 2007 08:10 PM

C'mon Bill, quit repressing and tell him what you think. :-)

Posted by: Kyle at August 24, 2007 09:53 PM

and is that really the BEST example for a war? i mean a) we lost and b) we had the draft. not a real great way to inspire the people ...

Posted by: tj at August 26, 2007 10:04 AM