August 27, 2007

Two Bicyclists

Oftentimes, we look but don't see; and I'm wondering if that has been happening lately. I promise that I will be more aware in the future. I saw them about a month and a half ago. They were on bicycles.

They appear to be young men. They wear dark pants, white shirts, and dark, narrow ties. Their hair is dark. Their shoes are dark-colored. One of them, the one always on the right, has a dark-colored, rectangular "badge" on the left pocket of his shirt. I haven't gotten close enough to find out what it is. The other does not have a dark-colored, rectangular "badge" on the left pocket of his shirt.

Since that time, I have seen them a number of times, always wearing the same outfits. I thought that they might be attending the all-boys, Catholic high school nearby; but they are never carrying books or backpacks, and they were riding around during summer break.

"Riding around" isn't really accurate because I don't see them riding around. They are always stopped, one foot on the ground, bicycles canted to one side or the other. I have never seen them riding. They are always at an intersection. On the sidewalk. Seeming to be waiting for the light to change.

And pedestrians flow around them, not looking at the two bicyclists standing, not moving.

Posted by Bill at August 27, 2007 10:04 AM

sounds like mormon missionaries to me ... don't make eye contact.

Posted by: tj at August 27, 2007 11:31 AM

Like tj I instantly thought of Mormons. They come over here and are the only men in France to wear a white shirt and a dark tie (except for the president). We have police on bikes but I refuse to take them seriously, your pedestrians could be doing the same.

Posted by: Anji at August 27, 2007 12:48 PM

I also thought of the mormons; the only difference is when I see them, they usually do have backpacks.

Posted by: Trace at August 27, 2007 08:11 PM

I was going to say great minds think alike, but...

Posted by: Keri at August 27, 2007 11:37 PM

Definitely Mormon missionaries.

Posted by: Joel at August 28, 2007 01:08 AM

Yep, Mormons. Mostly harmless. Weird thing, I saw them here tonight. 2370 miles away. They're quick, once they get moving. It was dark. One had a bike light, the other didn't. Strange but true.

Posted by: Kyle at August 28, 2007 01:17 AM

Wow. Everyone else's first thought was Mormoms and mine was "The Administration." I need to stop listening to so much NPR.

Posted by: Elle at August 28, 2007 06:22 AM


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Posted by: Mike Thomas at August 28, 2007 07:22 PM