September 20, 2007

So Many Questions

We decided to catch a movie a couple weeks ago on Thursday afternoon and were going to get there a little early; so, we stopped for appetizers in lieu of dinner at Hoggy's, which is a chain BBQ place, which is near the Cinemark Googolplex. There were four women and a guy at one table, and then there was my lovely wife and me at another table. This post could be about the loud-mouthed woman on the phone at the other table., but it's not. Everyone has encountered someone like her. There's no need to elaborate.

Stacey was reviewing the menu when our waiter came over. He looked to have graduated from college and was waiting on tables at Hoggy's while searching for what he thought was a real job and for the meaning of life. Little does he know that this job he has waiting on tables at Hoggy's is probably much more exciting than what is in store for him in his chosen field, but I didn't think it was my mission to clue him in on sur-reality.

The bold type on the menu said the name of the appetizer was "Steamed Shrimp Over Something-or-other." The description of the dish said that the shrimp was "sauteed" in something-or-other. So, Stacey asked the waiter: "Why is the steamed shrimp sauteed instead of steamed?"

He was totally speechless -- he said he didn't really know what she was talking about. So, she showed him the menu, and he said that he would check with the kitchen about it. He said that nobody ever asked him about that.

She ordered a salad. When it came out, she asked, "Why is it that you can't swing a cat anywhere around here without hitting a fresh-picked, homegrown tomato stand this time of year and the salad is served with these things they call tomatoes." He replied, "Heheh, I don't know the answer to that one, either."

She pointed out, "I know the place is a franchise and has to get certain stuff from certain suppliers, but there's a place just 300 feet away where they can get fresh tomatoes grown right there and picked today."

"Heheh, I'll check with the kitchen on that one, too."

"No, it's okay. Just sayin', that's all."

Posted by Bill at September 20, 2007 04:42 PM

Now I'm all curious as to the waiter's chosen profession...

Posted by: Trace at September 21, 2007 04:35 AM

I have discovered that if my waiter suddenly discovers Tao in the middle of my meal, I probably won't get my coffee refilled. LOL

Posted by: Kyle at September 22, 2007 12:25 AM