September 22, 2007

Modern Technology

There's like millions of spy satellites up in the sky. And it's not just, y'know, military-types that are like totally using that stuff over in Iraq and New Jersey.

That GPS thingy in the car is liked linked up to those spy satellites. Unless you really like read the book thingy that comes in the box, the book with like, y'know, a lot of writing and hardly any pictures to look at. Why do they do that? You know where I'm goin.' It's like spies in the sky.

So, even when people are like sound asleep in the car, they kind of know what's goin' on. Like did you know that the GPS thingy totally knows when you drive like 103 miles an hour. And it's like really hard to say, "What're you talkin' about?" cuz it says it right there.

So, when the person who like totally knows all this modern technology spy satellite stuff asks, but isn't really like, y'know, askin', "You went 103 miles per hour?"

There's only like one real good answer. "Heheh. U-u-uhhh. Musta been goin' downhill."

Posted by Bill at September 22, 2007 10:43 PM

103- Like Wow dude that's totally bitchin'

Posted by: Heather Z at September 23, 2007 12:46 AM

You did that on the streets of Censornatti?

Posted by: Joel at September 23, 2007 01:07 AM

It wouldn't fair me well to have the GPS thingy in my car; I'd be too damned paranoid.

Posted by: Trace at September 23, 2007 02:51 PM

Don't they put GPS in laptops too now?

Posted by: Anji at September 23, 2007 03:59 PM