September 26, 2007

De-Evolution, Part II

The Ninth Street News, its discreet light-blue neon sign, advertising it was open for business sold adult-oriented material, including Marlboros and other brands, those mostly after normal business hours. Everyone knew it was a porn shop, but that fact was not flaunted. The storefront was unassuming, except for the scantily-clad mannequin and the long-legged, bewigged womannequin standing in the window and the sign that prohibited those under 18 from entering.

And then, it was turned into ADULT MART, with a purple and orange signed arching out over the sidewalk, smacking everyone up side the head, as if nobody knew the true identity of Ninth Street News.

This evening, I noticed that the mannequins had been removed from the window and were replaced by a white sign with huge red letters that announced: PARDON OUR DUST WE ARE REMODELING.

What the hell can be remodeled? All I know is that there is nothing in the front windows obstructing the view of the interior, new drywall for all to see. As the dogs and I passed by, we could see two guys standing at parallel racks perusing literature or DVD's or whatever they were looking at, the rather rotund, partly-bald, mustachioed attendant wearing a white wife-beater, which did not hide his hairy chest, arms and back, attentively watching them for signs of any kind of illegal activity, which is something that we really didn't want to have to witness.

Make the sign bigger. Put up something over the windows. Please.

Posted by Bill at September 26, 2007 10:58 PM

I'm trying to figure out how to WEAR a wife-beater?

Posted by: Anji at September 27, 2007 06:27 AM

Laughing at Anji's comment. :) Keith went to a store in Los Alamos looking to purchase said garment a while back, not knowing they had a nickname as such. When the teens working behind the counter finally realized what he wanted stopped snapping their gum and recognition dawned in their eyes at the same time they looked at each other and exclaimed "BEATERS!" The girl then pointed them out to him. heh.

Hope you get your wish for some window coverings soon. :)

Posted by: Keri at September 27, 2007 12:18 PM

I agree, I can't imagine what remodeling the management of the place could be deciding to do; or why they would care for that matter.

Posted by: Trace at October 3, 2007 11:54 PM