October 02, 2007

It's Pork

Have you noticed the barriers being erected along the interstate highways over the past several years? Or maybe we are behind the times, and there are graffiti-covered walls along the highways all over the country. In any event, our state highway department is putting up faux red brick walls with faux sandstone caps along a stretch of highway heading west out of town. It's kind of like watching the kids with their Legos building things -- or not.

At one point, for about a quarter mile, the top third of the wall is transparent. It could be glass or plexiglass or transparent aluminum; but whatever it is, I'm trying to figure out why it was installed.

There are no houses or buildings in the area. And if there were, are the windows put in the wall so that the incredibly beautiful vista, which includes a 10-lane highway, wouldn't be impaired?

Here’s the real reason the windows were installed: to provide long-term job security for someone, someone whose job it will be to clean the windows.

Posted by Bill at October 2, 2007 08:28 PM

We have one an autoroute here. There's a short wall with a huge window in the middle of nowhere. It could be art.

Posted by: Anji at October 3, 2007 05:28 AM

I'm from Pennsylvania. Our highway barriers consist of orange and white construction barrels.

Posted by: Elle at October 3, 2007 06:31 AM

That's some high-class shit. Our barriers, if we have them (nothing like looking into the backyard of 1+ million dollar homes), look like wooden railroad ties that have stacked up like Lincoln Logs.

Posted by: lucy at October 5, 2007 11:50 AM