October 04, 2007


i'll try to focus on only a few things here -- it's been so long -- AGAIN -- since i posted; and i don't want this to be a christmas newsletter.

mea culpa on the not-posting thing. i'm crazy busy on a really big, big project -- one that will keep me pretty much hog-tied for at least the next couple of years. very big -- extremely rewarding. when we're past a big part of this first planning and organizing stage, i'll let you in on it. i don't think i'm done with this blogging thing, just even more sporadic (if you can imagine such a thing).

jax doing great, matt and mel fab.

the scooter thing: ok. i will identify scooters by their color and cc, k?

first, bill purchased a NEON green 50cc a couple years ago. it hasn't been running. we made a big push at beginning of summer to get parts and the service necessary to get it on the road. in the meantime, bill purchased me a red 150(!)cc for my birthday. scared the crap out of me it did. too heavy, too fast. and definitely NOT the orange color i requested. NEON green 50cc STILL waiting for parts.

so i told bill to ride the big, fast red 150cc, and i'd take the NEON green 50cc when it was fixed. i knew i could handle a 50cc -- i'd ridden one before.

i insisted we get the motorcycle learner's permits and helmets before we sat on a bike again so we headed to bmv to get the packets and take the written test. bill passed. i didn't. go ahead -- laugh. i'd prefer you didn't, but how would i find out? besides, i live with BILL. you think i haven't heard it before?

i finally figured out that one of my problems with the test -- for me -- AND ONE OF THE GREATEST DELIGHTS OF BILL'S LIFE (when i spoke to him about this issue, he took out a pen and paper and wrote down word for word my rant on this, just to stop his LAUGHING) is the fact that "they" call the handle accelerator a "throttle." now this might just seem like a duh moment to you, but i'm not an engine person. especially not a motorcycle engine. so i had no fricking clue what they were talking about. i mean -- this is a MOTORCYCLE test, and they got me all flustered with talk of gears and clutches (i KNOW THAT SOME CARS HAVE GEARS AND CLUTCHES, AND I EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE THEM), but i knew my scooter didn't have gears and clutches, so... and then "they" ask me about what to do with the throttle in such and such situations. i throw my hands up in the air -- "WTF??? MOTORCYCLES HAVE GEARS, CLUTCHES, HAND BRAKES, THE ACCELERATOR THINGY -- AND A THROTTLE?????" HOW MANY HANDS DO THEY THINK I HAVE? AND HOW DO I KNOW WHAT A THROTTLE DOES???" you can imagine bill's reaction; and if you don't get it either, i love you. really, i love you.

in the meantime, the NEON green 50cc guy told us that he just could not get the parts -- junk the bitch, he said. so we did. and then he sold us a beautiful silver 150cc (bigger tires for stability). so we finally have 2 scooters.

so bill taught me about the throttle -- he said, "the throttle IS the accelerator thingy." after he clued me in, i took the test and kicked its ass. it was revenge time, baby. and you'll get yours too, bill. just wait.

then i picked up my new donald-duck-bill helmet, ready to roll, i was.

bedecked in my helmet, i got on the scooter and proceeded to scare myself shitless. i drove around and around in our building parking garage for over an hour until i had a panic moment in a turn and stopped the bike -- and me, thank god -- right up against a huge beam in the garage. threw my RIGHT arm and wrist into the mother fucker. it was either that or "lay the bike down." that's what we bikers say. it means fall the fuck down. i'm not hurt. not really. just black and blue. and humbled. i stood there for about a half hour crying like a little girl (cuz that's what i do) while bill's telling me how great i did (pfffft). i'm getting a 50cc cute little italian thing and i'm gonna chop that bitch (it seems like i should put a preposition at the end there like "up" or "out"?). once again, for you non-bikers it means, "make it all pretty." or maybe not. now i'm not sure.

here's what i'm thinking. from "pride of cleveland scooters" website.

chopped bitch.jpg

see the white walls? that bitch is CHOPPED. i also have my eyes on a cute little wicker basket for the front.

but don't worry about me. i can handle a 50cc like a pro. and i'm not getting a pussy TWO-STROKE -- I'M GOING FOR THE GOLD -- THE FOUR-STROKE, BABY. if they make a 4-stroke 50CC. don't ask me what that means -- ask bill. i just know the lingo. he's the detail guy.

if you want to see a picture of me in my helmet, leave a comment; and IF I TRUST YOU (and you send back the signed and notarized non-disclosure agreement) i'll e-mail it to you. fine. whatever. here it is.

View image

Posted by Stacey at October 4, 2007 03:37 PM

And here I thought we were supposed to be slowing down at this age. You guys are making me look bad.

Posted by: Vicki at October 4, 2007 06:00 PM

OMG, Stace I'm so jealous I could cry. That baby is beeee you tee full. I would LOVE to see you in the gorgeous helmet. Send if you want to because that helmet sounds like something from my dreams, too.

See, this bike is gorgeous and much like the one I was emailing bill about months ago that was a collector that they wanted big bucks for. Then there was the one with the sidecar that I thought was cute for Keith to ride in. heh.

TOO CUTE! YOU ARE SO LUCKY! Now keep being careful. Love you guys. seething with jealousy. :) In a good way.

Posted by: Keri at October 4, 2007 09:05 PM

What a cool post...so funny Stace! And you use the lingo well. A very nice color, the scooter pictured. Beautiful. Sam and I have really wanted a pair for a while. So cool...and, I would love to see the helmet for sure, if possible.
Oh, I always thought the throttle was somewhere near the motor part--so, now I know :)

Posted by: Trace at October 4, 2007 10:14 PM

Get your motor runnin'
Head out on the highway
Lookin' for adventure
And whatever comes our way
Yeah Darlin' go make it happen
Take the world in a love embrace
Fire all of your guns at once
And explode into spaaaaace....

Stace, you're just a true nature's child!

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at October 4, 2007 11:33 PM

I'll sign anything you want to get that picture. Seriously.

I've always thought it prudent to read the helpful handbook the DMV provides as a study guide BEFORE taking the test, but that's just me.

You failed the written test. OMG, that's too funny. I'dve peed my pants laughing.

Posted by: lucy at October 5, 2007 11:56 AM

lucy, you bitch.
1. the tests are harder nowadays. ask anyone.
2. I SHOULD have looked over the book, but I thought "how hard can this be?" the throttle thing fucked me up. I SWEAR TO GOD AT LEAST 11 OF THE QUESTIONS HAD TO DO WITH THE FRICKING THROTTLE! ! they throw you off when you miss 11.
3. i'll THINK about sending you the picture. hrmph.
4. hrmph again.

Posted by: stacey at October 5, 2007 12:30 PM

You are a cool dude in a loose mood gal! I love the helmet. Thanks for sharing...Sam loved your tale of the scooters as well. He laughed his ass off at your use of the lingo. He was quite nice however, about the throttle part. He knows I didn't know where it was either...even though he was nice, I think it makes him feel powerful to explain something to me. Pfft. Men!!

Posted by: Trace at October 5, 2007 08:09 PM

Stacey-I can bet I would have failed too-looks like a lot of good fun though-well minus the bruises and anxiety...you have a tattoo to go with the cycle & hemet?

Posted by: Heather Z at October 6, 2007 05:22 AM

I bet I would have failed too-looks like good fun though - well - minus the bruises and anxiety-hey do you have a biker chick tattoo to go with the new cycle and helmet?

Posted by: Heather Z at October 6, 2007 05:24 AM

I'm so glad you are back again and in one piece. I wouldn't have known what a throttle is either and how do you make such an enormous thing stay upright?
Talking of the "big project" - "extremely rewarding" - "next couple of years", you're not pregnant are you? lol

Posted by: Anji at October 7, 2007 05:13 AM


1. wait until i clean the coffee up from all over my screen.

2. nope, not pregnant. nope. lolololololololololol.

3. lololololololololololololololololololololololol.

Posted by: stacey at October 8, 2007 10:13 AM