October 11, 2007


The building manager cut a deal with a new cable TV company for the building. Whereas we had maybe 50 channels before, we now have at least 75,000 channels. You want movie channels, there are movie channels galore. I think there's a channel called "Galore." Or maybe it's the "Gore Galore" channel, considering that Halloween is creeping up on us.

There are sports channels for everyone, anywhere -- and any sport. Music? Do you want music videos or do you want just the music. There is any kind of music you want. There is a even classical music video station.

Polish TV? That's the nationality, not the stuff you put on shoes -- channels 56271 through 56275. Vietnamese TV? It's like days of old -- only three channels. And no sub-titles. But it's in color.

I chanced across a channel called "Westerns." "The Rifleman" was on. Now, once upon a time, I loved "The Rifleman." I had a Rifleman Winchester repeater rifle -- it was just a toy; but it looked real, not like today's plastic things with the orange stoppers on the barrels. This was realistic -- real wooden stock and with a roll of 50 caps in the holder, I could get off 50 shots, even better than Lucas McCain, in rapid-fire action.

It was a good rifle to have in a gunfight. Of course, back in those days, we were playing -- it was not like it is today with real guns, real bullets, real blood, real death.

So much for the "Westerns" channel.

Posted by Bill at October 11, 2007 08:33 PM

I like the westerns, and I remember the Rifleman well. Yeah, it was nice when kids could just have fun playing with toy guns; cowboys and indians and such. Nowadays, it's just damned scary for sure..

Posted by: Trace at October 11, 2007 11:26 PM

No PC shit for my boys- we have a crap load of "toy" guns.

You know, when you don't have bullets, the best thing about having a wooden stock is that it thumps your brother harder than a mere plastic one.

Posted by: lucy at October 12, 2007 12:02 AM

I was always the hostage/damsel in distress in the old days... two big brothers - 6 and 8 years older than me - they loved their gun fights with me in the middle tied up or hand cuffed and taken hostage and passed between the two of them for whatever loot they could get.

Remember how loud those cap guns were in a cinder block basement devoid of everything else save a washer/dryer and your pop's workshop? Pretty dang loud.

Posted by: Keri at October 12, 2007 03:19 PM