October 12, 2007

Snubbed Again

I can't tell you how irritated I am about the unmitigated gall they have to deliberately snub me once again in all of the categories.

I will admit that I wasn't nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics; so, I am not expecting the phone call on my birthday Monday -- I barely got out of Econ 101 alive in college. I'm just pleased that the university did away with the Pass-Fail grading system for electives the following year; otherwise, my GPA would have taken a major hit, which would have probably meant some kind of macro-economic loss at some point. Thank you, Professor Goldberg, wherever you are.

As you may or may not know, I was nominated for awards in several categories (Peace, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine, and Literature); and I was the only person nominated in more than one category. Now, I assume that my nomination by e-mail was an okay thing to do. Nobody said I couldn't do that.

Here's my complaint about the whole process. I have been sitting by the fucking phone all week long anxiously waiting for the call. If nobody was going to make the call to me, someone should have had the courtesy to call me to tell me that.

So, no Nobel Prize this year.

Posted by Bill at October 12, 2007 03:06 PM

i say we write a strongly worded letter to the selection committee ... that'll show them not to mess with us!

Posted by: tj at October 12, 2007 04:37 PM

I've been waiting by the phone too. There must be a prize for sitting on the couch, blogging and watching TV.

Posted by: Kyle at October 13, 2007 12:47 AM

As soon as they introduce the Nobel prize for blogging you will be awarded it. Perhaps next year?

Posted by: Anji at October 17, 2007 11:25 AM