October 17, 2007

Red Sox v. Indians

Wow! If those three consecutive home runs last night by Youkilitz, Ortiz, and Ramirez were put end-to-end-end, I could have run up on the roof of our building and caught the last one. Wow!

The partisan Cleveland crowd was upset by the hot dog celebration and walk half way to first base by Manny Ramirez in admiration of his long blast into the darkness. Manny's antics didn't bother me. Manny is pretty cool. He's a Cheeto's-Cheese-Puffs-for-Breakfast kind of guy, who knows he's paid a lot of money he doesn't deserve for playing a game he would play even if the money wasn't there.

What bothered me was David Ortiz standing at home plate after circling the bases on his laser home run shot to right field, looking up into the night sky, motioning, apparently giving thanks to his god or praying, as if his god really cares abvout what Ortiz is doing in Manny's game.

David, next time, you're talking to him or her, put in a word with your god to end war, famine, and disease. Let's remember what's important, David; and it's not a home run in a baseball game.

Posted by Bill at October 17, 2007 05:51 PM

If you catch two, can I have one?

Posted by: Joel at October 17, 2007 08:50 PM

You lucky bastard. Your team is playing in October. And winning. Sigh.

Posted by: lucy at October 18, 2007 06:58 PM