November 05, 2007

Open Letter to the Cool Guy

Dear Cool Guy,

I was standing there waiting for the doors to open when you and your lady friend pushed in front of me and my cane-enabled wife (and I imply nothing about the politesse you lack in regard to that) for some reason that was not apparent to me. I feel that you have opened yourself up to some constructive criticism -- not about your manners -- about your attire.

Firstly, I noticed that your hair was newly permed and dyed. I'm a guy who doesn't really care about such things; so, if I noticed, then your lady friend also noticed. And I never thought the purpose of having your hair done was for it to be readily apparent that your hair was actually done, especially to the major extent that you had it done. By the way, I pegged you at 63 or so, even though you did not have graying, curly hair (Not paying to have your neck done was a mistake, even though the facial wrinkles were totally gone, man.)

Secondly, I know you were really trying to get into the Bruce Springsteen swing of things to impress your lady friend. The blue jeans and white t-shirt were right on the money if you were trying to emulate the Born in the U.S.A. Boss, but the red bandanna ... no. It was a red cap rolled up, I believe, that was stuffed in the right back pocket, not a red bandanna. And the jeans jacket -- I don't recall the Boss ever wearing a jeans jacket -- was out of place. Leather jacket. Leather vest. Just the t-shirt. Do your homework next time so that you can really impress your lady friend. Of course, maybe she was not a Springsteen fan.

That is all.

I hope that you enjoyed the concert.


Posted by Bill at November 5, 2007 11:06 PM

Hey! I wear a jeans jacket! Whatdoyougotagainstme?

Posted by: Joel at November 6, 2007 05:22 PM

Stacey should have wrapped her cane around the guy's ankles and asked him what his hurry was. That may sound mean, but it pisses me off when people barge in front of others that way regardless.
BTW, I made my first call to 911 today when I found a car without license or placard, parked in the only handicapped space available at the doctor's office. I have a permanent placard and had to park a ways away. Hobbled all the way to the door of the building. I thought of Stacey. I will always call from now on..

Posted by: tracy at November 6, 2007 07:10 PM

Tee hee hee. Colored, permed man hair looks so good with 1/4" of regrowth.

Posted by: Vicki at November 7, 2007 01:12 PM

Dear Bill:

Will you laugh at me in my jeans jacket? I have 3. The oldest one I snagged from my dad's closet in 1968.

Loved the neck comment. Perma-press face + crepey neck = lame and/or cheap.

Posted by: Liz D. at November 8, 2007 08:50 PM

All you do is bitch.

Posted by: pirateslife4us at November 9, 2007 07:18 PM