November 06, 2007

Let's Kill All the Lawyers

It must be pretty bad in Pakistan. People are rooting for the lawyers, who are marching in revolt against Commandant Musharraf and his suspension of Pakistan's constitution.

Democracy. That's what Bush the Lesser so fervently believes in that he has poured, with the help of the castrated Congress, over half a trillion US dollars into Iraq. So, Musharraf killed democracy in Pakistan, suppressing what little freedom the Pakistani people had to redress their grievances and what tiny hope there had been for free and fair elections.

And what did Bush the Lesser do? Nothing. Thousands of lawyers have been arrested. Many have been tear-gassed and beaten. And what did Bush the Lesser do? He promised to continue military aid to Pakistan and support Musharraf.

Bush rewarded Musharraf.

It would not surprise me if Bush privately wishes that he could do the same thing. The problem is that he probably can do the same thing under laws passed since 9/11 -- he can use National Guard troops to quell civil disturbances, such as peaceful protest marches when he or other executive department officials might be in the neighborhood; he has ignored laws passed by Congress although he took an oath to uphold the law, claiming that he need not enforce unconstitutional laws, even though the courts are the proper bodies to rule upon that subject matter. Why not give it the old college try?

Posted by Bill at November 6, 2007 03:09 PM

Funny how people forget when they have a world of protection around them that it is our nation of laws that keeps them sleeping easy at night.

Sometimes I think we should cordon off a section of the earth, say in Siberia or the northern part of Canada, and let them have what they want -- a nation without the protections of government.

Let's see how long they last as more and more people pour into the mix.

Posted by: Joel at November 6, 2007 05:21 PM

Yeah, Bush and his so-called plans for democracy in Iraq must not be meant for the folks in Pakistan; or us for that matter. He's so full of shit!

Posted by: tracy at November 6, 2007 06:47 PM

Should we start working on a new name for US?
The Soviet States of Amerika
Maybe just New Mexicorp

Posted by: Kyle at November 10, 2007 02:21 AM