December 10, 2007

Lead Exposure

Why didn't the mother fuckers warn me?

I repaired a string of Christmas tree lights, and now they tell us that Christmas tree lights could contain unsafe levels of lead.

Now, I'm wondering about the vaporization of lead on the PVC coatings by electrical charges -- there should be a study, y'know, a National Institutes of Health-funded study to find out how much lead is vaporized when someone puts the wire in his mouth after some of the PVC insulation is stripped away.

Okay, Okay, okay ... I know people aren't stupid enough to put live wires in their mouths; but you never know about accidentally getting live wires stuck in their mouths, like what happens down at Guantanamo.

You had to see that one coming -- it was only about an 85 mile-an-hour fastball. Eminently hittable. Or Eminemenently hittable.

Posted by Bill at December 10, 2007 07:34 PM

I think at Gitmo they like to splash a little water on the prisoners, too...

As for the lead in the, offer it up to the ghost of Christmas past and buy some new lights.

Posted by: lucy at December 11, 2007 04:35 PM

I read where you can counteract the effects of lead from biting christmas tree lights' wire strands with a nice chew of fake Angel Hair.

Just a little pinch between the cheek and gums...

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at December 13, 2007 05:39 PM

Bill, didn't your mother tell you to be careful about what you stick in your mouth?

Posted by: Joel at December 15, 2007 01:44 AM

Well, thoughtless about what would/could happen of course, I have pulled bulbs outta' the little socket thingys on the strand of Christmas lights with my teeth before...

All last week I stayed in a ritzy hotel, where everything was wonderful except the news I saw that repeated shows of the waterboarding torture. Everytime I turned the damned television on, there it was, for all the world to see. And to think there are actually people who believe that those in other parts of the world hate us because we have more than they. Jeez. If the Islams didn't hate us all that bad before, I can certainly understand why they would now. I will be so damned glad when W. and his sleezy administration leaves the hill.

Posted by: tracy at December 15, 2007 10:49 PM