January 18, 2008

Cloned in the USA

Here we go again. Now that some guy in some small lab in the United States claims that he cloned an embryo and grew it into a blastocyst, it's all official-like and a big fucking deal; and the guy deserves the Nobel Prize or some kind of medal from someone.

The guy who claims that he cloned a human embryo used his own cells. He says he's doing this for "science," to cure diseases; but I can't help thinking that he's really like totally wanting to clone himself.

But here's my problem with this whole thing. The guy's in California; he's an American scientist; he's the greatest thing since sliced bread with no skeptics out there questioning whether he really did this.

If he was from another country, say France, for instance, skeptical scientists would be coming out of the woodwork claiming fraud. Just because this California dude isn't telling everyone that a 4-foot-tall, green-skinned, long-haired, oval-eyed alien, who directed him to write a book revealing the identities of the aliens as the creators of human beings, took him up into a spaceship, everyone believes him.

He has no eleemosynary motive. It is obvious that because the FDA has categorically stated that cloned animals are safe to eat, he believes that the government will soon allow cloned humans to work on those jobs that ordinary, unemployed Americans feel are beneath their abilities; and he will step in with his many cloned selves and make a killing without all the bad press that illegal immigrants are getting.

Posted by Bill at January 18, 2008 01:13 PM

Very well stated; and so funny...

Posted by: tracy at January 18, 2008 09:07 PM

But, maybe not so funny as well...

Posted by: tracy at January 18, 2008 09:07 PM