January 20, 2008

Naming Rights

The Cleveland Indians decided to take the money and re-name The Jake, the Tribe's ballpark, officially known as Jacobs Field, something new. The naming rights were sold to locally-owned Progressive Insurance Company, and Progressive, of course, named the ballpark Progressive Field; so, when people ask me about how to get to The Jake when I'm out walking the dogs, I'm going to have to break the news to them. I thought that the company that was hired to search for a buyer of the naming rights would have taken advantage of the on-going performance-enhancing drug investigation and come up with something like Cibex-O Park, Nutropin Stadium, or Dexedrine Hi-Performance Field [Slogan: Come to the ballpark tonight and get high on baseball]; but the company lacked some imagination in pursuing possible suitors for the naming rights.

Speaking of naming rights, we met a very nice couple a few weeks back; but I'm really fucked when I see the guy because I can't remember his name. You've all run up against this problem. Don't say it's age-related or anything like that because it's not -- I've always been bad with names -- and some fuckers will, of course, purvey the bullshit notion that I lack respect for others, which is not altogether true, because if I did lack respect, I would mispronounce the person's name. He's probably named Stephen (with a "p-h" because that's what it would be) or Eric or something like Dylan because that would have been a name hippie-type parents would have named their kid back in the late '70's and early '80's.

I'll have to check around and see if anyone knows his name; otherwise, I'll just have to keep calling him "man," as in "Hey man, what's goin' on?"

Posted by Bill at January 20, 2008 07:57 PM

I often suffer the same fate. There's just so many ways you can avoid exposing yourself as a memory midget when it comes to names; occasionally you get lucky and someone else in the conversation will save your butt...

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at January 20, 2008 10:31 PM

We had dinner all week long with a lovely couple on our Cruise. I remembered his name a thousand times... but each night I had to ask Jeff her name.

Its nutty that dang remember names thing!

Posted by: -d at January 21, 2008 09:08 PM

It's not so horrible to be bad at names as long as you're upfront about it with a few exceptions:

Mine was too risque. ;-)

Posted by: lucy at January 21, 2008 09:16 PM

Oh yeah...

Progressive Field is not as bad as the name of the Phoenix Coyotes rink: Jobing.com Arena.

I kid you not.

Of course, "Cellular Field" is even worse....mostly because the White Sox play there, but that's another post.

Posted by: lucy at January 21, 2008 09:18 PM

I'm so bad with names, I long ago had to learn to swallow my pride. I just tell people, "I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name."

Posted by: Kyle at January 22, 2008 02:01 AM