May 10, 2008

Local News

We've heard and seen enough about the primary elections. Obviously, the media think that we've heard and seen too much about dead and maimed bodies in Iraq. Time for a break in the action --

It's nice to see that some people have respect for the law. A little west of here, Victoria Wilson actually sold 45 of the 90 cats living in her house to comply with the law limiting the number of cats per household to four. Four.

In southern Ohio, one early morning, Timothy Caudill broke into a bar. Believing that Tim had a substance abuse problem, instead of sending him to prison, the judge sentenced Tim to a locked-down drug and alcohol rehab center. Tim completed the program there and is on probation. While in rehab, Tim bought a Lil Debbie oatmeal cream pie -- mmmmm, goo-o-o-o-od -- from a vending machine; and, being the decent fellow that he is, Tim shared it with a one of the other recovering addicts. Well, his "friend" wasn't allowed to eat the snacks. The prosecutor got wind of Tim's seriously aberrant behavior and wanted the judge to throw Tim in prison for 9 months ("Why you in here, man?" -- "Ummm, I gave a piece of my *ahem* Lil Debbie oatmeal cream pie to my roommate ..." -- "Bend over.") The judge gave him 30 days and ordered him to pay $1,500.

In Cleveland, Jeremy Waters' (that's an alias, by the way) wife had been been bugging him for over a year to paint the house. Being a good husband, and with Mother's Day upon us, he started the big job of scraping the house and painting it. He bought a Wagner heat gun to make the scraping job easier and a Wagner power painter to save time on painting. Well, it turns out that Jeremy can return the Wagner power painter. He doesn't have to paint the house -- the contractors will do that -- since the fire he started with the heat gun did a lot of damage to the house.

Happy Mother's Day!

Posted by Bill at May 10, 2008 09:16 AM

Is Jeremy Walters a cousin of yours?

Posted by: Anji at May 10, 2008 10:59 AM