May 11, 2008

Fat Transplants

I was going to write a post about how Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the tradition of great Southern politicians, such as Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, and David Duke, who have gone before her, has appealed to ignorant racists everywhere by pointing out that Barack Obama is a man of color, for whom no decent White would ever vote -- or should ever vote.

And I was going to ask whether anyone else is offended by her statements, and was going to point out that I am not that naive to think that bigotry has disappeared in these 21st-Century United States and that many voters will never, ever vote for a Black candidate, but those people already know that Obama is a Black guy, and long before Hillary pointed it out to them. And I was going to write that I'm white and that if Clinton wins the nomination, I won't vote for her for president because, whether or not she wants to own it, she's a racist; and she voted for the war in Iraq; and she has lied about her past; and she has misrepresented herself as the voice of the middle class when, as a lawyer, she catered to the rich, and represented corporations, not the little guy, not the middle class; and she never had the guts to cut loose a guy who cuckolded her countless times, but is now tapping into her role as First Lady, her "experience" in the White House, with her *ahem* husband by her side: and she has maligned Obama because of what the pastor of his church has said, when she has been directly involved in some rather shady deals with her brother and those he represented in obtaining pardons from then-President William Clinton.

But I decided that I wouldn't get into all that -- I'm just plain sick and tired of all the crap.

What really struck me as interesting, though, is that soon, instead of undergoing liposuction, people will be getting fat transplants, transplants of subcutaneous fat, that is, fat under the skin, which apparently is now being viewed as "good fat." "Bad fat" is fat deep in the body, visceral fat, which is wrapped around our internal organs. Plumpified mice, which had "good fat" transplanted in their hips and thighs had better control of blood sugar and cholesterol than mice who had the fat transplanted around organs.

There's a joke in there somewhere. I can feel it bouncing around the neurons in my brain, but it just is not making it out.

Posted by Bill at May 11, 2008 07:04 PM

I suspect the joke has something to do with adipose thinking and peach pantsuits, but it's eluding me too.

Posted by: squelch at May 12, 2008 11:54 PM

Wow-that is news-good fat injections! I had to idea-are they taking donations? I do kinda feel sorry for the test rodents.

Posted by: Heather Z at May 13, 2008 06:19 PM