June 07, 2008

Public Service Announcement About Diet Coke

I heard a rumor that the formula for Diet Coke was being changed. It turns out that the Coca-Cola Company is removing sodium benzoate from Diet Coke. What does sodium benzoate do? It retards bacterial growth and mold formation. It is an important ingredient in soft drinks that count "natural flavors" as an ingredient.

Some scientists say sodium benzoate does more than retard bacterial and mold growth; it can cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria of cells, causing the cells to malfunction. Some other scientists say it is linked to hyperactivity in children. Moreover, it has been shown that when sodium benzoate is mixed with vitamin C in soft drinks, benzene is a by-product; and benzene is carcinogenic. Testing of various soft drinks has revealed the presence of benzene.

I guess we should applaud the Coca Cola Company for its concern about the health of our children and us because chemical testing is still not complete and conclusive about the hazards that have been described.

Well, not exactly all our children. Only those in Great Britain. The Coca Cola Company doesn't give a damn about our children in the U.S. -- no changes here.

Does that have something to do with the ineffectiveness (or corruption, perhaps?) of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration?

Posted by Bill at June 7, 2008 11:30 PM

A Diet Code exploded like a suicide bomber in my Mom's kitchen this afternoon, in an effort to take us all out. It only made a mess, but proves that their tactics are becoming more overt.

Posted by: Kyle at June 8, 2008 01:36 AM