June 08, 2008

Golf Gear

I entitled this post "Golf Gear" because I figured that nobody will read it. And I will not link to the page. Because I didn't believe it, I went there; and you can take my word: Across the main window on the home page of John McCain's official website are four tabs -- Strategy, Decision Center, General Election, and Golf Gear. Golf Gear? What the hell?

Rather than golf gear, many bald guys would pay good money for his classified, top secret comb-over technology!

Posted by Bill at June 8, 2008 04:44 PM

Why can I post of Golf Gear but not on the Diet Coke post? I really wanted to say... "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!" on that post... what do I know about golf gear and cover over technology?

Plus, John McCain bores me.

Posted by: -d at June 10, 2008 10:43 AM