June 18, 2008

Butt Paste

After picking up a case of Skyline Chili for someone I don't even know (I'll probably be scrutinized very closely by Homeland Security, since I'm already on the list because I flew a ham and some wires to Florida), I was wandering around Target, looking for stuff to take on a weekend trip, while waiting for my prescription to be filled. And I found this:

butt paste.jpg

Posted by Bill at June 18, 2008 10:09 PM

Not so good on sourdough toast as you might expect.

Posted by: Kyle at June 19, 2008 01:31 AM

What you see is what you get.

Posted by: Anji at June 19, 2008 04:21 AM

I just visited the website they have an "on-the-go" pack...

Posted by: Anji at June 19, 2008 04:24 AM

"Pleasant Scent"?! I'm assuming that's for all the dogs who'll be sticking their noses in your butt ...

Posted by: tj at June 19, 2008 11:48 AM

Saw that at Target the other day myself. And I don't visit the baby aisle. They must have it out at the edge of the aisle to attract attention for a reason.

Hope you bought some to take on that weekend trip. WHO KNOWS what you'll find in regions far and wide that might lead you to need something like that??? It's a crazy world out there, Bill.

Posted by: Keri at June 19, 2008 02:15 PM

They have it at the checkout counter at the ACE Hardware store I frequent. I could never figure out why though.

Posted by: Vito at June 19, 2008 03:31 PM

Good for spacklin' those nasty cracks....

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at June 19, 2008 10:06 PM

Finger licking good

Posted by: Mark at June 19, 2008 11:06 PM