June 19, 2008


I played golf today at a course I hadn't played before, and I used the same ball for the entire 18 holes. That's the same ball I used for 18 holes on Saturday. I've played real well; I'm staying with the same ball next time I play. I'll see if it's me or really the ball that is doing so well. See, golfers are crazy like that.

I was standing up the fairway a bit. One of the guys the old guy in the starter's shack stuck me with was Ron, who wouldn't shut up for the first six holes -- he was hacking away in a shallow ravine that crossed the fairway, trying to get his ball out. So, I watched the two guys, who were fishing in the small river that runs alongside the fairway. They drew their fishing rods back over their shoulders and would flip the fishing thing -- the hook -- out ahead of them.

They were thigh deep in the deep stream. One guy wore high boots, and the other wore shorts. That's where I think there was a problem. The second guy, the one wearing blue jean shorts, a white shirt, and a white baseball hat backwards, didn't have boots; he was fair game for all of the parasites in the water and the lamprey eels that probably swam up river. Of course, there aren't any candiru in the Rocky River. At least, I don't think so.

It took Ron six to get out of the ravine. 13 on the hole. He was quiet after that. That was a good thing. I like peace and tranquility on the golf course.

Posted by Bill at June 19, 2008 11:32 PM