August 09, 2008

The Writing on the Wall

I was extremely excited in gut-wrenching anticipation about three weeks ago. Well, maybe that's over-stating the feelings I had at time -- let's say, I was excited in gut-wrenching anticipation; no, I was excited about three weeks ago when I saw .... I haven't really described my state of mind, and that bothers me.

Let me start, again. My curiosity was aroused when I I was mildly interested noticed while bending over and picking up Bella's shit one morning three weeks ago a new signature, in white paint, on a steel grate (Neenah Foundry Co. model R-8704-A) around a tree, of a new graffiti artist: BIGVERBS.

Interesting moniker. Well, I've been disappointed. It's been about three weeks. I visited many of the graffiti artists' favorite canvases on my walks around town -- no big verbs. No fucking verbs at all. BIGVERBS, it turns out, is a pretender, a prevaricating provocateur.

Early this morning, before heading to the golf course, the dogs took me past the steel grate (Neenah Foundry Co. model R-8704-A) around the same tree where we first discovered BIGVERBS -- BIGVERBS was covered with four wide X's, now a non-entity in the local graffiti sub-culture, BIGVERBS' sole attempt to become immortal obliterated.

Posted by Bill at August 9, 2008 08:05 PM

Literature is never immortal. It is, at best, stubborn. Bigverbs had more to say than most, and it lasted longer than many.

Posted by: Kyle at August 10, 2008 02:53 PM