August 11, 2008

The War in Georgia

The Georgia-Russia conflict has given the U.S. presidential candidates a chance to put their foreign policy credentials to the test. John McCain, campaigning in Pennsylvania, has been aggressively condemning Russia's actions. --, 8/11/08.

As he should be, John McCain is very upset that Russia has retaliated against Georgia with heavy armor and artillery and that Russia has bombed not only the capital of Georgia, but also one of its cities to the west.

McCain's strong suit is not geography, however. You will recall that he thought that Iraq and Afghanistan shared a common border, which is not true. He has mistaken Somalia for the Sudan, apparently thinking that Darfur is in Somalia. He is worried about the situation on the "Iraq/Pakistan border," when those countries are not close to each other. And he still thinks that Czechoslovakia is a country, when the Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent nations in 1993. And contrary to what McCain thinks, Vladamir Putin is not the President of Germany.

McCain has reportedly put in a call to Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen, urging them to help fight the Russians, since they have hands-on experience against the Russian army.

And McCain is calling for an all-out counterattack by the 187th Alabama Air National Guard, in which his good buddy, George W. Bush, claimed he served; and McCain is urging the East Tennessee Militia to join in the fray to save Atlanta.

Posted by Bill at August 11, 2008 09:18 PM

While my family and I certainly appreciate the effort, we believe we'll be just fine.

Posted by: Vicki at August 12, 2008 01:59 PM

McCain really wants Bush to send Bill Sherman in to clean house. Happily, a march to the sea is easy in two directions if you're not picky.

Posted by: Kyle at August 13, 2008 05:00 AM