August 11, 2008


been a while, dudes and dudettes. you know i'm thinking about you, though. along with a million other things. attended a high school class "get-together" a couple weeks ago. i don't THINK i pissed anybody off (i'm not positive -- bob the lawyer might not have been real pleased with me when i told him that another lawyer made a big deal to billy about his knowing bob -- not a regular "i know him," but a kind of "aren't you impressed i know him cuz i'm sure as hell impressed that YOU know him" thing. i told bob that i thought i might be missing something -- that i didn't get why i was supposed to be impressed. he laughed, but i'm not sure if he was, well, aMUsed. ah well.

caught up with a couple other old buds -- that was fun. i'm kind of a tough audience at these things. it's not exactly that i hold grudges. it's that the judgments i made in high school that certain people were cruel or mean kind of stick with me. cruel and mean don't change with maturity, imho. if you can be cruel/mean when you're 15, you're not just immature in my book -- you've got a serious character flaw. so those couple guys that i remember as being the real assholes, i kind of look right past them when it's eye-contact time. not interested.

at least it goes both ways with me. i remember kindness and sweetness from some people that makes me think very highly of some people. and i don't give that up easy either. so i spend my time checking in with the good ones and ignoring the bad ones.

i spent quite a bit of time talking with an old buddy, tim, who's had quite a rough time of it in the last 30-some years. it was hard to hear but good to catch up.

i didn't go with my dear friend , betty. she's recovering from surgery and fighting cancer right now. she's on my mind quite a bit right now. things are looking totally positive, but it sucks.

we're planning another trip -- this one is like a big-people/grownup vacation. the first in forever. we're heading to san francisco. for a week! staying two nights on nob hill, then heading to a spa in sonoma for one or two or three nights. we'll meet up with chucklehut dan and his wife and son in san francisco. we'll see moonandsun in sacramento. we'll see mark and sarah either in san jose or sonoma. we'll probably see bill's sister, suzy, who lives in santa rosa while we're out there.

bill's been so crazy busy with work this summer -- i have not been on the scooter ONCE. cuz i won't ride 1) without bill, 2) if it's rained or threatening rain, or 3) outside of my comfort zone road/distance-wise. so HE'S been on his scooter. oh yeah. he's taken many longer-distance, busier-road rides this summer. i think he's doing it on purpose. i thought tomorrow i might be able to ride, but, oh no, he's GOLFING. pffft.

freddie-the-wonder-frog died. over 8 years old.

i'm so fucking irritated with my man, obama, that he's given in to the "stupids" over the off-shore drilling thing. god damn it, people. we use 25% of the world's oil production; and at best, we have the resources to produce 3 fucking percent of the world's oil. WE HAVE TO CONSERVE AND LOOK FOR ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES. drilling up more oil fields in the ocean to add such a paltry amount of oil into the scheme is a ridiculous and irresponsible action. ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT OIL WON'T BE AVAILABLE FOR OVER 10 YEARS! what are you thinking people? this is not the answer! we have a BIG problem here, and the cost of gas is the least of it!

and if one more fucking republican opens his mouth about edwards to me, i'm gonna fucking lose it. first of all, i'm not thrilled about him right now either. and i'd be pissed as hell if he were the democratic presumptive nominee. but he's not. so i can just be pissed at him in general. but more important, are you republicans RETARDED to bring this up to me? or to anybody? if you support mccain, you're supporting a man who had at least SEVERAL extra-marital affairs while married to a woman who became disabled after a terrible accident. cindy mccain SUPPOSEDLY the last. but you people think your candidate always holds the moral high ground, because people like me say "fuck" and "shit" and "fuckin shit" and support homosexual rights and point out the REAL problems and make some people's head's hurt because they have to THINK to understand what we're saying (the republican definition of "arrogance"). it's soooo much fucking easier to be ignorant. and you know what? every time i hear someone call obama arrogant, i hear a 6-year-old say "you think you're soooo smart, don't you?"

get your heads out of your asses people, it's gonna take some serious brains to help us out of this fucking mess we're in. quit asking the politicians to get lobotomies so they fit in with all us regular folks. you elected the stupid guy twice; let's try something else. and ask him to do it the right way.

Posted by Stacey at August 11, 2008 10:37 PM

I'm apparently surrounded by red people who's only concern is their my mom's on Sunday my B.I.L. was ripping Obama because, and this is verbatim, "the first thing he'll do is raise the Capital Gains Tax."

John works with people who constantly whine that he'll reinstate the Death Tax.

For some reason, I'm not concerned about those two things at all. Sounds like a fine idea to me.

Posted by: Vicki at August 12, 2008 02:12 PM

I just can't wait to meet you and Bill! It's like meeting my long lost cousins, except even better, I think. From a long distance I've seen one boy get married and get educated, another boy graduate from the Eric Clapton Homeschooling option (or whatever hilarious name you had for it), and change his life.

Ironic that I have never used a handicapped stall since your post years ago, and now I have a handicap placard for my car, etc. I still won't use the stall, because I don't need the extra space. You taught me well!

See you soon!

Posted by: moonandsun at August 12, 2008 08:00 PM

You can't see me right now, but I'm standing, applauding, cheering and shouting, "yer DAMN right, Stace! HELL yeah!"

(and that's hard to do when typing this at the same time... ignorant republican crybabies...)

Oh, and I'm sorry to hear about Freddie. :( RIP, Freddie.

Have a great trip!

Posted by: Keri at August 13, 2008 01:49 AM

Yeah yeah ... edwards... crappy husband... yeah yeah.... let's move on to the important stuff at hand....


Posted by: -d at August 14, 2008 10:48 AM

ummm, it seems that the democrats at least prefer women. Kennedy, Hart, Edwards.... The GOP's, on the other hand, with all of their moral highground seem to prefer airport bathrooms and young boys the republican evangelicals are closet queens too.
Not that there's anything wrong with that....

Posted by: paulius at August 16, 2008 02:58 PM


A righteous post, sistah. Yes, you said my mind precisely. Including all the "f" bombs!

You're fierce!

Posted by: Cowtown Pattie at August 18, 2008 09:48 PM

I can't or won'r comment on the politics because I just don't have the energy.
Hope your trip goes well or went well?? I forget when you said it si or was...anyway really want to say am putting your frien that is fighting cancer on my mental "good thoughts and prayers" list!

Posted by: Heather Z at August 19, 2008 09:49 AM