September 12, 2008


i've long held the belief (quietly, for the most part) that there's a certain percentage of republicans for whom their values represent a personality disorder. i know that i'm getting old and crusty; but i'm starting to believe that anybody -- ANYBODY -- who votes for mccain/palin has at LEAST three or four screws loose. i mean it.

if you care about protecting your money (inheritance tax question, privatizing social security, increases in taxes) more than you do about your children/grandchildren/ANYbody's childrens' LIVES (the war in iraq, threatened invasions of several other countries, health care, the fucking EARTH, even), then you're a sick fucker. and you'll vote for mccain. i won't/can't excuse your ignorance.

simply put: money over people = mental illness.

there has always been a certain element of this ethos in the republican party. but there were also some real philosophically valid positions. remember fiscal responsibility? notice mccain/palin haven't even brought that up. palin probably thinks it means something about birth control. and god knows, she must be opposed to that.

did anybody see/hear/read about palin's interview with charlie gibson? is she freaking kidding me that she STILL believes iraq was behind 9/11???? do YOU still believe that? do you read the freaking newspaper? ever? has she? or anybody who's on her staff?

get your heads out of your asses, people! and i'm talking to ANYBODY (i spoke to another person this morning who said she might not even vote at all cuz she's annoyed) who is pissed about hillary not getting the nomination for pres or v. p. (going with mc/p -- are you freaking kidding me? what?)/unhappy about obama's dumbing down (join the club)/disgusted with politics in general and voting to make a statement or not voting at all.

if you allow mc/p to take this election by turning off your brain or because you're annoyed, you are asking for a whole fucking shitload of trouble that we may NEVER be able to dig ourselves out of (of which we may never ... never mind). but you might have your money. it will be pretty much worthless, but you'll have it. bush/cheney are freaking GENIUSES compared to these two clowns.

Posted by Stacey at September 12, 2008 03:46 PM

I was following someone on twitter who swears "If John McCain doesnt win the presidential elections(which he will), Im moving to Alaska" and "I never expected so many people to want to move to AK with me. haha We should make our own little blogger town up there."

and someone must have asked if she didn't mean she'd move to Canada because she responded with, "hahaha Canada? I dont think you could pay me to move somewhere with socialized medicine!"

Then finally tonight? she came out with, "My town was littered in Obama signs from some crazy. I called town hall and said it was an eyesore. They took ever one down. Ya!" This one made me nearly pull my hair out and start a flame war so I stopped reading.

Posted by: Keri at September 19, 2008 01:03 AM

Isn't it scary, annoying, frustrating, pissing me off that people don't want to take responsibilty for what is happening in the world and then complain about what is happening in the world? I hate it when people don't, or should I say won't THINK! As usual, you are right, right, right in your rantings.

Posted by: Janice at September 20, 2008 01:50 PM