September 12, 2008


ok. i feel better. no more ranting. at least for a couple days.

here's the project that i just finished up.

ourbucks cups.jpg

they're ceramic cups with silicone lids! we bought one at a cool little store on clement in san francisco and ordered a few more on-line when we got home. as if that isn't cool enough, i printed up some rub-on decals with our own little logo and "stuff." i love the way they turned out. i think i must have been a graphic artist in another life (not because i'm necessarily talented -- it's just that i love fooling around with this stuff).

Posted by Stacey at September 12, 2008 08:26 PM

OMG! This is outstanding!

Posted by: KathyHowe at September 15, 2008 12:31 PM

VERY cool.

Posted by: Keri at September 19, 2008 12:56 AM