October 05, 2008


So, Barack Obama was born in 1961 and was eight years old when the Weather Underground, in protest against the Viet Nam war, in which over 50,000 Americans were killed (now, even though the Congress cut off funds for that debacle and the USA left that country (picture the helicopter at the embassy making one last pick-up; picture the helicopter being pushed off the deck of the ship into the ocean), the USA trades with Viet Nam and has normalized relations with the communist government there), bombed a couple vacant buildings. Members of the Weather Underground were prosecuted; some went to prison, even though they may have been on the lam for years and subsequently turned themselves in.

Bill Ayers and his wife turned themselves in -- they were punished long ago. Oh, Johnny Boy, say it ain't so; there you go again, looking at what happened in the past, if I can use what your running mate said in unresponsive answers to questions in the Debate to Nowhere last week.

What is revealing about this presidential campaign? A subpoena that has been upheld as proper and legal by Alaska courts is being ignored by Sarah Palin, which lawlessness has been endorsed by John McCain (Substitute "Dick Cheney" for "Sarah Palin" and "W" for the latter).

Of course, United States v. Nixon doesn't apply because this subpoena is a matter of state law, but it sure is instructive inasmuch as she was claiming executive privilege, as Nixon had done -- and who, by the way, lost the argument 8 - 0 in the U.S. Supreme Court.

Gov. Palin claims to be above the law. She also claims that her husband, Todd, is above the law. How bright can someone be to allow one's spouse access to private personnel files? How trustworthy?

McCain supports her position.


Can anybody else see what these two candidates for the highest offices in the land are doing to this country? Why don't McCain and Palin just come right out and say what they mean? Stop beating around the Bush. Barack Obama is a Black man; how could you vote for him?

Of course, they wouldn't say it that way -- the sentence has a semi-colon. Elitist. They'll say it in the vernacular.

There's a new television program premiering, Life on Mars, in which the lead character finds himself back in 1973. I'll take a piece of that action if McCain is elected -- send me back.

The U.S.A. is turning into Idiocracy.


Feel free to discuss this amongst yourselves.

Ooops -- sorry. Can't be like Idiocracy because the President is Black. Balls!!!

Posted by Bill at October 5, 2008 10:54 PM

You certainly have the rest of the world shaking their heads in disbelief. I'm afraid I'm still having problems with all the witchcfaft that's been going on....

Posted by: Anji at October 7, 2008 03:25 PM