October 07, 2008


this is the text (in part) of an email bill received yesterday:

We are in great danger. The terrorists are fanatic Muslims. They believe that it is okay, even their duty, to kill anyone who will not convert to Islam. It has been estimated that about one third or over three hundred million Muslims are sympathetic to the terrorists cause... Hitler and Tojo combined did not have nearly that many potential recruits. So... We either win it - or lose it - and you ain't gonna like losing...

Remember Obama said in his book "Audacity of Hope", 'I will stand
with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction'.....what
better place for the Muslins to control our country than in the office of the president of the USA. If you ever forwarded an e-mail, now's the time to do it!)

here's my question. did you get this email from anyone? if so, did you forward it on? i hope you did what bill did. here's what bill REPLIED TO ALL:

My IQ went down 15 points just opening this crap, and you are just trying to piss me off.

Here's the actual quote from "Audacity of Hope," not something made up: "Of course, not all my conversations in immigrant communities follow this easy pattern. In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans, for example, have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging. They have been reminded that the history of immigration in this country has a dark underbelly; they need specific assurances that their citizenship really means something, that America has learned the right lessons from the Japanese internments during World War II, and that I will stand with them should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

don't tell me that (a) people aren't stupid, hateful, ignorant, etc., and (b) the republicans -- and a fucking SHITLOAD of ignorant white people -- aren't scared shitless. people WANT to believe this stuff -- that's the real pity.

Posted by Stacey at October 7, 2008 03:14 PM

My blood pressure just went up.


Posted by: KathyHowe at October 7, 2008 04:05 PM

I HOPE I get that email so I CAN set a few people straight.

On second thought, I hope I don't and that it is confined to a very small subsection of idiots.

This election cannot come soon enough.

Posted by: Keri at October 8, 2008 03:27 AM

I haven't seen it yet. 300million sounds like an awful lot to me. I think that sometimes these people are hoping to get their throats cut just to prove their point. I've got a copy of the Koran if anyone would like to borrow it....

Posted by: Anji at October 9, 2008 06:22 AM

I was trying to find this quote last night. I was flipping through my book because my father-in-law sent that very same email!

Posted by: -d at October 9, 2008 10:28 AM

I didn't get the email; but, get this. I recieved a dvd. in my mailbox. I asked the postmaster if anyone else received it or anything similar, and she told me that several people did. Just opening the damned mailbox and seeing something like that, scared the shit out of me. I haven't watched it yet...don't know if I will.

Posted by: tracy at October 12, 2008 11:23 AM

QOZ1A4 rkzihwkvmoin, [url=http://apdtezwffmid.com/]apdtezwffmid[/url], [link=http://ifcapygszspr.com/]ifcapygszspr[/link], http://hljyawvwqwfb.com/

Posted by: erxqubem at October 22, 2008 08:51 AM

I received it today. A little googling and voila: it's by two authors, copy and paste.

The first is a blog on Martta's World attributed to Ed Barr. http://kmartta.blogspot.com/2007/10/bushs-mistake.html
That's where the “…one third of Muslims..." comes from.

The second piece, the misquote of the book, seems to have been added recently.
That was easy to look up on factcheck.org

I let all the recipients and the sender know of this (sort of like Bill but minus the obscenities)... not that they care, as people do believe what they want to believe. And that is sad

Posted by: lindsey at October 24, 2008 02:56 AM