October 14, 2008

Keep a Liddy On It

"I'm proud of you, I'm proud of your family. It's always a pleasure for me to come on your program, Gordon, and congratulations on your continued success and adherence to the principles and philosophies that keep our nation great." -- John McCain, November, 2007.

G. Gordon Liddy. Maybe not too many remember him ... that's the way they want it to be. "Say it ain’t so, Joe. There you go again pointing backwards again," said the Republican vice-presidential candidate. Yeppers, I'd say they don't want you to remember that G. Gordon Liddy was one of the principled men who planned the Watergate burglary, wanted to kill a couple people to cover up the Watergate burglary, and did several other things to keep our nation great.

You remember -- Watergate. Nixon. President Nixon resigning because of Watergate, because he and his supporters, Liddy among them, thought that they were above the law.

Watergate? Forrest Gump reported the break-in. Remember now? How about Kirsten Dunst in Dick. Come on. Okay ... okay ... okay ... how about Redford and Dustin Hoffman in All the President's Men

G. Gordon Liddy. That's the guy. A good American? Listening to Hitler made Liddy feel giddy. He "killed and killed and killed" animals, so that he'd be "ready ... like a machine." He told listeners over the airwaves the best way to kill federal ATF agents.

G. Gordon Liddy. Principles and philosophies that keep our nation great? A convicted felon. A treasonous bastard. Old friend. There I go again pointing backwards again.

So, John McCain pals around with Gordon Liddy. Fundraisers at the Liddy home. Campaign contributions by Liddy. Appearance on the Liddy radio show -- last year. Oops ... sorry ... pointing backwards again.

Liddy is a domestic terrorist of the first order -- one who sought to destroy our democratic system from the inside to win at all costs.

What does that say about John McCain -- that he would consider that Liddy adheres to "principles and philosophies that keep our nation great." Sorry ... "pointing backwards again."

And the association with Liddy doesn't end with John McCain. Palin wanted him to shill for more drilling in Alaska. Oh, oh ... "pointing backwards again."

Nobody could make this stuff up.

Truth is always stranger than fiction.

Posted by Bill at October 14, 2008 09:14 AM

excellent post. I'm not sure how much more angry I can get about this whole campaign. Glad it's almost over. Still somewhat terrified about how the machine runs and how it might turn.

Posted by: Keri at October 14, 2008 10:22 AM

Liddy has also been a TV/movie actor. In fact, like so much of modern Americana, the dude was made for television. Which is not a compliment.

Posted by: Kyle at October 18, 2008 10:25 PM