October 20, 2008


dear l,

yesterday morning when we went out to breakfast, i made a snap decision not to call you on your bullshit for the sake of family peace. i'm not doing that again. that's a courtesy that has to run both ways --which it clearly doesn't. when you say that it's a no-brainer that colin powell endorsed barack obama because he's black, you insult colin powell, barack obama, all black people, and ANYBODY who supports obama. you have decided that colin powell stands for nothing, and that barack obama has only achieved all that he has ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK. but most of all, you demean yourself.


today, bill and i voted. yay! poor bill. an elderly gentleman started talking to bill and said, "son, you look like a lawyer." i thought bill was going to cry right then and there. how mean.

i asked the clerk if mickey mouse had been in to vote yet. she said, "nope. not yet." i'm waiting for that cuz mickey mouse is ABOUT AS REAL AS BILLTHEPLUMBER. pffft.


i don't know why bill and i are so totally consumed by this election. our "interest" intensifies the older we get. poor you -- the reader -- you might want to plan on being somewhere else other than the nbl in 2008.

and so i leave you with this:


Posted by Stacey at October 20, 2008 05:29 PM

I'm glad it's mended, but I've forgotten what I was going to say...

Posted by: anji at October 23, 2008 03:40 PM

hahaah! Me too, anji!

Posted by: Keri at October 23, 2008 08:35 PM

I am so behind in blog reading but that cartoon is so friggin' funny! I might have to steal it & send it to my family!

Posted by: Heather at November 2, 2008 01:08 AM