November 05, 2008


i am overwhelmed with pride and gratitude.

some not-so-very-nice thoughts and emotions continue to bubble up to the surface. i admit to feeling a little bit of a "neener, neener, neener" to those who conducted such an incredibly vile, nasty campaign. i'm not just talking about the candidates and their staff. i'm talking about hannity and company, and the vast numbers of "real americans" who went there with the whole bullshit "campaign" and propogated the most incidious email and internet-based rumors and innuendo. this past year has been history-making in so many ways.

that the democratic primary race deteriorated to such an all-time low in terms of character bashing was breathtakingly sad to me. hillary and company behaved terribly. i've never seen this before. she and bill have made fools of themselves and have NOT been able to crawl out of the holes they dug for themselves, try as they did AT TIMES (not wholeheartedly). there were a few times that bill rose to the occasion, as did hillary -- at times they only looked like idiots with sour grapes in their mouths. here's my not-so-silent plea and prayer that the democratic party looks at this and does some quiet talking to potential future candidates with strong warnings to avoid this behavior in the future. do NOT misunderstand me. i believe bill clinton was an INCREDIBLE president, and i had strong faith and hope that hillary would achieve greatness also for herself and our country. unfortunately, she's become a terrific politician.

john mccain gave a lovely speech last night. it did not redeem him in my view. it was hillary all over again. he will have to live with himself -- the worst judge of all (if you are a human being of any substance whatsoever -- if not, karma can be a bitch. or jesus , in his case, might have a few things to say to him). i know people are saying that this is politics, that i should get over it. i know i'm ONLY 54 year's old, but this is NOT just politics. this is worse than it has ever been. and i don't know about you, but i cannot look at these snakes and trust their smiling faces.

i don't know how low we can go in terms of dirty politics. barrack obama has conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout this campaign. i pray that politicians take note of this and reign themselves in. i don't have a lot of faith in this, cynic that i am. the evil that resides in the hearts of too many people is a reality. it will rise to the surface again.

barrack obama, however, IS hope for a new direction. and this morning, i have some hope, too. "I'M PROUD OF YOU, AMERICA! RIGHT ON!"

Posted by Stacey at November 5, 2008 07:48 AM

I'm proud too!

Posted by: KathyHowe at November 5, 2008 09:14 AM

Look at it from this perspective... if we hold the anger and frustration that we have for these people in and let it distract us from the actual goal... they've won even if they didn't get the title of President.

The reason people flock to Obama is his strength in doing the right thing. The right thing is to move forward and get down to getting this country back on track!

At least, that is my Pollyanna take on it.

Posted by: -d at November 5, 2008 09:49 AM

We didn't watch the networks last night so I went to bed without any idea at all of what was happening. I woke up with a start at a little before 2:00 a.m., turned on the TV and caught the speech from the beginning. John woke up about mid-way through and we both watched in silent amazement. I wept pretty much through 2/3s of the speech. YES WE CAN.

Posted by: Vicki at November 5, 2008 10:03 AM

I'm with you on all of this. I have to wonder in amazement, "How could so many people have voted for the snake in the grass?" Are they not listening? Do they not have any internal sense that tells them when someone is being truthful and when someone is being so disingenuous or political. I did not think the entire country would go blue, either. But I thought there would be a bigger gap than there was.

But I will still take this victory and run with it. I'm thrilled. THRILLED! I think this man is destined for greatness. Just as I believed that when I heard him speak during my visit to DC back in 2006 (?) and wanted to silence the others in the room by telling them all to shut up because I truly believed I was looking at the man who would/should be our next President.

Posted by: Keri at November 5, 2008 10:36 AM