November 05, 2008


we spent the morning doing our weekly grocery shopping at the west side market. i picked up some italian chicken sausage, a sirloin steak to make a small pot of beef stroganoff, baby portobellows (for the stroganoff), a nice wedge of au gratin potatoes (lots of prepared foods at the market -- go there if you're ever in cleveland) and a lot of other "stuff."

i unpacked the groceries, and made an apple pie (don't be impressed -- i use frozed rolled crusts). after i put the pie in the oven, i sat down with bill and said: "what do you want for dinner? sausage and au gratin potatoes or stroganoff and au gratin potatoes?"

bill: "i want apple pie and au gratin potatoes."


Posted by Stacey at November 5, 2008 04:28 PM

If you had made blackberry cobbler... I'd have agreed with Bill... but in the face of apple pie, I'd take sausage too!

Posted by: -d at November 5, 2008 11:51 PM