December 26, 2008


enough with the emails, telegrams, postcards, and phone calls! go here to see the new kitchen. click on each photo to see the notes.

craig and tony, et al, did a freaking FANTASTIC job under rushed and difficult circumstances! they are awesome!

we have had only one glitch (maybe two). there was a pipe not fully reconnected under the sink and had a small leak (fixed already this morning). and we're not quite sure if the ourbucks fridge is working or is going to work. if it doesn't get its shit together soon, we'll take it back and exchange it for the same model. if that doesn't work, we'll get a different model.

i'm loving it!

oh -- i hope you all had a wonderful xmas eve and xmas! mine was wonderful! dear friends and family. good food. interesting conversations (the best part for me is always when bill and i are cleaning up in the kitchen and just observing the whole scene -- very special). there's also a set of pictures taken by one of our guests here.

Posted by Stacey at December 26, 2008 09:51 AM

I got behind on my seasonal greetings to blog friends. I'll just pretend you're celebrating Kwanzaa.

All peace and joy of the season to you and yours.

Posted by: Liz Ditz at December 27, 2008 08:11 PM