December 30, 2008


there were a lot of gifts this christmas, some of which i gave to my own self.

1. do not schedule home-improvement projects any time after thanksgiving.

2. you can buy chocolates in stores (who knew?)!

3. you can buy great holiday cookies in bakeries (who knew?)!

4. you can even buy holiday cakes and cupcakes in bakeries (who knew?)!

5. you don't NEED to make home-made eggnog. it seems nobody misses it.

6. it's ok if you don't get the tree decorated and the house decorated until 2 p.m. on christmas eve! as long as nobody comes over until 3 p.m.!

7. it's more than ok if you let someone else take care of making and serving appetizers (thank you, matt and mel, for the home-made goat cheese, gravlaks, and other goodies!).

8. all of these things made me think about being more relaxed and enjoying my family and friends -- and that things don't have to be perfect and homemade in order to do that.

i'm going to work hard at remembering these things. it will be difficult to undo years of training, but i'm gonna give it a shot. i think EVERYBODY was happier that i was more relaxed. i hope so. you're welcome. heh.

Posted by Stacey at December 30, 2008 04:18 PM

I was introduced to a new concept this year. A tree decorating party.

Doesn't that sound WAY more fun than doing it by yourself?!?!?

Posted by: KathyHowe at December 30, 2008 05:39 PM

I really needed this article...
Thanks; and Happy New Year, Stace!

Posted by: tracy at January 1, 2009 09:02 AM

Happy New Year! I think the word is 'delegate' and I'm always surprised at how everyone is happy to help. Olivier worked in the kitchen of a restaurant last summer and he loves to show off his new skills. He was vey useful over Christmas

Posted by: Anji at January 2, 2009 03:19 PM

kath: a tree-taking-DOWN party sounds even more fun! i'm trying to get the energy up as i write this just to DECIDE when to take the tree down. i can't yet contemplate the energy needed to actually take it down.

Posted by: stacey Lang at January 4, 2009 09:00 PM