January 12, 2009


i'm really getting it. #1 is the privacy thing. #2 is the rest of it.


GO CAVS! bill just got tickets to 3 more games! we went friday night when they beat the celtics. best part : the entire arena chanting "O-ver-RA-ted!" it was great. we sat in the very last row almost at midcourt and had a terrific view! and because we were at the q, bill didn't have to be annoyed at my yelling because i just blended in. i NEVER get loud at any sporting event on tv except the cavs and the ohio state university buckeyes. so my explosive utterances freak him out.

cavs game.jpgtaken with my cell phone

i can't find my cavs hat, so bill got me a new one:

Photo 13.jpgi love lebron. duh.

Posted by Stacey at January 12, 2009 05:32 PM

Did you get new glasses!?!?! Love them!

Posted by: Kathy Howe at January 13, 2009 09:21 AM

Love the photo Stace; and the new cap....Commenting backwards here, heh.

Posted by: tracy at January 19, 2009 08:28 AM