January 18, 2009


i watched the new "hairspray" today. fun. not nearly as good as the original, but fun anyway. [i guess i am kind of a geezer about this kind of stuff. it's not that i necessarily think the old/original stuff is ALWAYS better, but ... um, well, i got nothin.]

here's where i PROVE that i am a pain in the ass about this "stuff" (as it were).

did NOT ONE of the writers/film editors/producers/actors/crew members know the meaning of the term "hoi polloi?" no one? it means the exact opposite of the way it was used by edna turnbladt in the NEW movie. look it up. please. i'm not going to make it easy for you by posting a link. or go ask your mother. either way, i don't care.

pffffft. and don't email me that i'm old/snobby/crabby/whatever.

i'll say it again: it's a big world wide web. you're welcome to leave. there's plenty of crap out there. find your own special little crap corner.

Posted by Stacey at January 18, 2009 09:04 PM

I just purchased the dvd...hadn't seen it yet in all this time. Now I'll be watching for the opposite of "the masses".

Happy New Year to you and Bill...

Posted by: tracy at January 19, 2009 08:25 AM