January 27, 2009


as many of you have noticed, we've removed comments from the nbl. it's not that we didn't appreciate most of the comments we've received -- we've made some dear friends through the nbl -- it's just that we find that we have email contact on a nearly daily basis from a lot of you; and we really just find the comments section a pain to deal with. you know what i'm talking about.

bill and i enjoy writing here and will continue to do so. and we hope that you'll continue to contact us personally (or through my facebook thingy) as often as you want. when we figure out how to do it, we'll place a "contact stacey" and "contact bill" button (or whatever) at the end of each post. in the meantime, most of you know how to reach us.

Posted by Stacey at January 27, 2009 01:10 PM