January 22, 2009


if we are not friends or even, well, friendly, please don't consider my recent facebook invitation as an overture from ME -- it was an overzealous and overenthustiastic facebook search of all of my gmail account that may have uncovered your email address from deep in the archived "bullshit" folder on my gmail.

i'm not the kind of nice person that forgives and forgets. oh i forgive -- if by "forgive" you mean let go of whatever crap it is that you've flung my way cuz i've got, you know, better things to occupy myself with (with which to occupy myself) and a whole life of my own to live. but "forget" is what i don't do. i don't forget the big things. and if you've shown yourself to be an asshole, the plain fact of the matter is that i don't have the time, patience, or need to associate with assholes.

you can be 99.9999 percent sure this isn't about you. or golf.

Posted by Stacey at January 22, 2009 06:30 PM

I think several of us have all been stumbling upon the same ideas here. And Stacey, I did this exact same thing very recently with the gmail thing. It's so surprising to get responses to invitations weeks later and think, "Huh? When and why did I invite this person I don't even KNOW?" and realize it was probably from that stooooopid gmail sweep. GAH!

I went through a deep weeding of the facebook friends last night. While I still have a large group (I obviously need to do another weeding), it feels much better than it did...

Posted by: Keri at January 25, 2009 02:48 PM

I've been on Facebook for a year now. Fortunately, I have been able to keep it small. This is where I reconnected with old college friends, and others with whom I've taken classes since those days.

Posted by: tracy at January 30, 2009 09:12 PM