February 09, 2009

Rolling Stone

The woman who had the octuplets -- I almost typed "octopus" -- do those lips look real? How much did those collagen injections cost? And shouldn't she have purchased some diapers instead?

I'm not saying she can't afford it, but she is apparently unemployed with 14 children. Of course, some things are more important than others.

Now, if she could sing, she might be able to earn a living and support the children. Or if she married an established singer -- one with an album debuting at 23 on the Billboard Top 40 -- she could probably afford to buy some diapers and plastic surgery. And I understand that the guy, the singer, is not married. And the album is called "Seduction." Some guy named Frank Sinatra -- 23, but not with a bullet (44th this week).

That's a drawback -- he doesn't seem to have any staying power. Flash in the pan, I guess.

Posted by Bill at February 9, 2009 09:25 PM

Those lips are so 1988.

Posted by: KathyHowe at February 10, 2009 02:51 PM